Jelena Prljević is an artist from Serbia whose practice explores the field of drawing, moving image, and installation. Her work explores the

logic of fear and ways in which art as a process and environment can invite its cognitive, emotional, and somatic processing. Prljević holds

a BFA from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia, and an MFA in Studio Art in the Art & Art History Department, School of Fine Arts at

the University of Connecticut, USA. In 2019, Prljević's work was presented by Galerie Liusa Wang in Paris (FR). In 2018, in NYC, along

with artists Nataša Prljević and Joshua Nierodzinski, she co-founded the HEKLER platform and transnational collective that focuses on

the examination of hospitality and conflict. In 2020 Jelena joined the Youth in the 60s collective. She is a recipient of several awards for

painting, drawing, and pedagogy, including The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant Award (2017). She participated in many

national and international group exhibitions, film festivals, and collaborative projects. Made in 2018, Prljević's short animated film

Sisterhood was screened at several festivals in Europe and the USA. Her experimental film From Within premiered at the 69th edition of

the Martovski Festival - Documentary and Short Film Festival in Belgrade (2022) was awarded as the best experimental film/video art.

While in Serbia, she spends time in her countryside Ljubanje, where, supported by her family and friends, she initiated the building of Four Waters Meeting Point by working on the

transformation, restoration, and adaptation of the old family houses with the intention to celebrate hospitality and further collaborations.


2018 - MFA Studio Art Program, Art&Art History Department, School of Fine Arts, University of  Connecticut, USA

2013 - BFA, Academy of Arts, Visual Arts, Painting Department, Novi Sad, Serbia

2009 - Graduated from Art High School, Conservation and Restoration Department, Uzice, Serbia


2021 - too much remembering, too much forgetting: drawing as metabolizing memory. Reflektor gallery. Užice. Serbia.

2019 - Safe Ground to Land on. Galerie Liusa Wang. Paris. France.

2015 - Painting, Drawing, Print. City Gallery. Užice. Serbia.

2014 - Play Empties Playground. Independent Art Association IZBA. Novi Sad. Serbia.  


2023 - Žarišta | Miloš Bojović, Mila Panić, Jelena Prljević, Saša Tatić, U10 Art Space, Belgrade. Serbia;

2022 - We built it all on our own, dear!. Youth in the 60s (MU60).“Mladost” factory store. Požega. Serbia;

2022 - Drawing a Line. FiveMiles Gallery. New York. NY. USA.

2021 - Bijenale mladih : Zajednički jezik 2021 / Youth Biennial: Common Language 2021. Protiv straha / Anti-Fear, HEKLER, Footnote center, Belgrade, Serbia;

2021 - Trijenale crteža i male plastike, Hod po liniji, Umetnički paviljon Cvijeta Zuzorić, Belgrade, Serbia;

2021 - Jutros vec su drugi mladi, Mladost u šezdesetim / Youth in the 60s (MU60), Remont Galerija, Belgrade, Serbia;

2021 - Doba Obnove IV, Reflektor Gallery, Užice, Serbia;

2019 - The Weight of the Temporary, NARS Foundation, New York, NY, USA;

2019 - Doba Obnove III, Reflektor Gallery, Užice, Serbia;

2018  -   artists and allies, signs and symbols, New York, NY, USA; 

2018  -   Close Third Person, LMAK Gallery, New York, NY, USA;

2018  -   Dream Logic, Alexey von Schlippe Gallery, Groton, CT, USA;

2018  -   Close Third Person, The William Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT, USA;

2017  -  The Red Chair, Dixon Place, New York, NY, USA;

2017  -  The Red Chair, Artspace, New Haven, CT, USA;

2017  -  Student Art Exhibition, Wilbur Cross, Storrs, CT, USA;

2016  -  Student Union Art Gallery, Art&Art History Department, University of Connecticut, CT, USA;

2015  -  XII International Graphic Art Biennal Dry Point, City Gallery, Užice, Serbia;

2015  -  Short Animated Film NO LIMIT- Daj 5 za bolji svijet / High 5 for better world, screened  at Lisinski Hall, Zagreb, Croatia;

2014  -  XXVI Regional Salon of Visual Arts Uzice, City Gallery Užice, Užice, Serbia;

2014  -  November Salon of Visual Arts 2014, City Gallery Kraljevo, Kraljevo, Serbia;

2014  -  V International exhibition  Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2014, Gallery Matice iseljenika i Srba u regionu, Belgrade, Serbia;

2014  -  Ljudi Ljudima / People to People, MIXER Festival, Belgrade, Serbia;

2014  -  Novi Sad Open Art (NOA), Cultural Center of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2014  -  The 2nd International Graphics Exhibition, Gallery Marzik, Kraljevo, Serbia;

2013 - Second Graphic Triennial, Museum of the city of Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia;

2013  -  Second Graphic Triennial, Cultural Information center, Skopje, Macedonia;

2013  -  Работилница Софија, International Printing Colony group exhibition, Bogdanci, Macedonia;

2013  -  Majska izlozba mladih / May Youth Exhibition, Gallery ОКО, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2013  -  XI International Dry Point Biennale, City Gallery Užice, Serbia;

2013  -  39.Paleta mladih / 39th Youth Palette, Cultural Center Art Gallery, Vrbas, Serbia;

2013  -  Oni koji dolaze / Young Artists Who Are Coming, City Gallery Uzice, Serbia;

2013  -  XVII Biennale of Student Drawing, Student Cultural Center, New Belgrade, Serbia;

2012  -  Campus Fest Exhibition, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2012  -  3rd International Biennale of World Student Photography, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2012  -  Student Painting Exhibition, Academy of Arts, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2011  -  XVI Biennale of Student Drawing, Student Cultural Center; Gallery Hol, Fortress, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2011  -  Student Photography Exhibition, FKV of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia;

2010  -  Oni koji dolaze / Young Artists Who Are Coming, City Gallery Užice, Serbia;

2006  -  7th International Meeting of Juvenile Art, Evora, Portugal;

2005  -  6th International Meeting of Juvenile Art, Evora, Portugal;

2005  -  Group exhibition at the 34th Vuk's Gathering in Tršić, Serbia;

2005  -  Group Exhibition at the National Library Vicentije Rakić in Paraćin, Serbia;



2022 - 69. March Festival. Belgrade. Serbia.(From Within. Director: Jelena Prljević)

2022 - Meštrovićeve Crikvine - Kaštelac. Split. Croatia. (The Stranger Within. Creator of the Animated Film)

2022 - Hrvatsko Narodno Kazalište (HNK) Split. Split. Croatia. (The Stranger Within. Creator of the Animated Film)

2020 - 10th Queens World Film Festival. Kaufman Astoria Studios. NYC. NY. USA. (Sisterhood. Director: Jelena Prljević)

2018 -  Balkanima 2018, 15th European Animated Film Festival, Student Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia (Sisterhood, Director: Jelena Prljević)

2018 -   SEE a Paris 2018 (South-East European Film Festival) 8th edition, Paris, France (Sisterhood, Director: Jelena Prljević);

2018 -   ProFi Fest, 7th International Movie Festival in ProkupljeProkuplje, Serbia (Sisterhood, Director: Jelena Prljević);

2018  -  Athens Animfest, Athens, Greece (Sisterhood, Director: Jelena Prljević);

2014  -  Balkanima 2014, 11th European Animated Film Festival, Student Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia  (Be Angry, Man!,  Director: Jelena Prljević and Doris Milesević);

2013  -  SHORTZ 2013, 4th International Short Video/Film Festival, Academy of Arts, Novi Sad, Serbia (Be Angry,  Man!, Director: Jelena Prljević and Doris Milesević);



2022 The Stranger Within. Multimedia performance (chamber orchestra, dance, animation, and lights). Creator of the Animated Film.

2020 - ongoing Youth in the 60’s (MU60). Independent artist-run collective. Member

2020 Kako su nastale ružne reči / How mean words got created. Theater play for children. Set design made in collaboration with Miloš Bojović. Creator of animated film.

2018 - ongoing HEKLER, artist-run platform, and trans-national collective. Brooklyn. NY, USA. Co-Founder

2017 The Red Chair. Devised Theatre Performance. New Haven / New York, USA. Director of Visual Imagery, Performer, Set Design

2017 Ithaka, Broadside of translated poetry , Storrs, CT, USA. Illustration and Graphic Design

2014 DrawIn, an artist-run space. Novi Sad. Serbia. Co-Founder

2015 House on Four Waters: Introduction, two-channel audiovisual installation. Michigan, USA / Novi Sad, Serbia. Collaboration with Nataša Prljević . Co-creator

2014 NO LIMIT - Daj 5 za bolji svijet / High 5 for a Better World, Zagreb, Croatia. Director and Animator


2022 - Best experimental film/video art. 69. March Festival. Belgrade. Serbia. 2022

2018  -  Joan and George Cole MFA Award, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA;

2017  -  The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, Montreal, Canada;

2017  -  Dean Jerome M. Birdman Scholarship for academic accomplishment and artistic promise, University of Connecticut, CT, USA;

2017  -  Awarded with Dositeja scholarship as one of the best students in Serbia who are studying abroad, Belgrade, Serbia;

2016  -  Dean's Development Fund Award, University of Connecticut, School of Fine Arts, Storrs, CT, USA;

2016  -  David Marshall Scholarship for fully funded residency at the Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC, USA;

2016  -  Award Rhoda Shivers Memorial  for past academic achievement and potential for academic and professional  accomplishment, University of Connecticut, USA;

2016  -  Awarded with Dositeja scholarship as one of the best students in Serbia who are studying abroad, Belgrade,  Serbia;

2014  -  V International exhibition  Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2014 - Jury Praise, Serbia

2013  -  Award Bosko Petrovic, Academy of Arts Novi Sad for the best visual art piece in the painting department, Serbia;

2013  -  Award Bogomil Karlavaris, Academy of Arts Novi Sad for achieved success in the field of art pedagogy, Serbia;

2013  -  Winner of 70 best Serbian student award organized by European movement, Serbia;

2012  -  Certified by the Fund for scholarships and encouraging the advancement of talented students, young  scientists and artists of the University of Novi Sad;

2012  -  Sponsored and awarded as one of the best Students from the area of Uzice, Regional Chamber of Commerce  and Sponsors, Uzice, Serbia

2012  -  University of Novi Sad Award for the successful 2010/2011 academic year

2011  -  Praise of XVI Biennale of Student Drawing, Serbia;

2011  -  University of Novi Sad Award for the successful 2009/2010 academic year;

2006  -  Golden Medal Winner, International Meeting of Juvenile Art, Evora, Portugal;


2023 - Something and Nothing. Invited as a guest lecturer for a video class at the New York University. USA.

2022 - How friendship impacts art practice?. HEKLER Workshop led by Miloš Bojović, Jelena Prljević, Ioannis Andronikidis. University of Waterloo Fine Arts Visiting Artist Speaker Series.


2022 - How we move together. HEKLER / Nataša Prljević, Jelena Prljević, Joshua Nierodzinski led 2 sessions with the Collective Academy presented by iPureland.

2021 - Drawing as metabolizing memory. HEKLER workshop led by Jelena Prljević, Jovana Djajić, Miloš Bojović. Serbia.

2021 - HEKLER Assembly: Infrastructures of Care. Online study group that explores the relationship between civic engagement and collectivity through art practice and pedagogy.

2021 - ANTI-FEAR. HEKLER workshop. Youth Biennial. Footnote center. Belgrade. Serbia.

2021 - RE:Generacija: How does collectivity which we want to be a part of feels/looks like?. HEKLER workshop led by Jovana Djajić and Jelena Prljević. Zeleni Talas. Čačak. Serbia.

2021 - HEKLER Workshop led by Nataša Prljević, Joshua Nierodzinski and Jelena Prljević. Global Perspectives in Contemporary Art Course at the UC Berkeley. USA.


2023 - How to become empowered and connected. Sonja Drljević Foundation. ŽEKO and Women Center Užice. Serbia

2022 - IVA. lab. Požega. Serbia.

2022 - Gender equality for cultural diversity. NKSS (Independent Cultural Scene Association /Kolektiv mladih žena Femix, Pobunjene čitateljke, Millennium, Studio 6, Kulturanova,

Elektrika i Centar za empirijske studije kulture jugoistočne Evrope). Serbia

2021 - BINA Summer Film School. Belgrade International Week of Architecture (BINA). Belgrade Cultural Center. Belgrade. Serbia.


2023 - Visiting Artist. Video class led by Farideh Sakhaeifar. New York University. USA.

2022 - Decentralized Archive (HEKLER / Jelena Prljević, and Ioannis Andronikidis). Atheens Art Book Fair. Atheens. Greece.

2022 - Visiting Artist. University of Connecticut. Seminar course led by Judith Thorpe. CT. USA.

2022 - Visiting Artist. (HEKLER / Nataša Prljević and Jelena Prljević). University of Waterloo Fine Arts Visiting Artist Speaker Series led by Bojana Videkanić. Canada.

2020 - Visiting Artist. Drawing class led by Ray DiCapua. University of Connecticut. CT. USA.

2018. - MFA Talk. William Benton Museum. Storrs. CT. USA.


2022 - Feminist Art Residency. Sićevo. Serbia

2016  -  Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC, USA 

2013  -  Printmaking Workshop Sofija, International Printing Colony, Bogdanci, Macedonia;

2010  -  Orthodox Icon Painting Workshop, Grza, Serbia;



2015/2018          Research and Gallery Assistant  at  the Contemporary Art Galleries (CAG)

                                    University of Connecticut, Art and Art History Department, School of Fine Art

                                    Duties: Assist Supervisor in preparation and installation of art exhibits  Supervisor: Barry Rosenberg  
2015                        Teaching Assistant at the University of Connecticut, Art and Art History Department,  School of Fine Arts

                                    Course: Drawing I;   Supervisor: Ray DiCapua

2014/2015          Co-founder of an artist-run space DrawIn, Novi Sad, Serbia      DrawIn Website

2014                        Studio Assistant for Norwegian artist Pushwagner, Novi Sad, Serbia

                                    Studio assistance for digital correction and preservation of artists's works 

 2014                       Director of NO LIMIT- Daj 5 za bolji svijet / High 5 for a Better World ,  Klub Dobre Vibracije, Zagreb, Croatia;      






Photo Credit: Ting Zhou