
Sheltered, 2016

3 channel hand drawn animation projection projected onto the drawings

Duration: 02:12

37.5 x 204 inches / 95 x  518 cm


Sheltered is an installation of drawings combined with the projected hand drawn animated imagery.

It's inspired by an event on Friday, November 2015.


"We skyped with our mother from my sister’s new place. It was a small studio in Brooklyn. We looked happy, lying on a thin mattress

surrounded with canvases and paint. I asked my mother about the place where my sister and I used to play. In front of our apartment building was a military camp in the past. The

sound of trumpet that calls the solders for a morning workout would wake me up every day. I enjoyed watching their jumping so well timed and paced. The park was covered with

trees full of birds and nests. Old people from the neighborhood would use wooden chairs to rest. The sound of craws was announcing September, Fall and new school days. My

mother didn’t say much that winter day. She pointed her camera towards the old military camp. Skype window was filled with silent stumps and empty chairs. Later that day, Paris

was attacked."

The animation starts on the light left panel/drawing describing the relationship between my sister and myself from different stages of our lives. The

figure of myself as a child, presented on the far left corner of the drawing observes the sisters being placed in the dismantled architectural space drawn from the referential images

of places where I lived during my time Serbia. The child figure transfers into a pigeon, a bird that always finds it's way back if its attached to a place of departure. The bird flies from

one panel to another, from light to darkness, activating other hand drawn animations with its presence and ending its journey in a form of light, revealing the inside space of the

abandoned house from our childhood in Serbia.